Create a beautiful keepsake for your auntie with this gorgeous gift.
One side is personalised with your photograph and the other side features a QR code which when you scan with your camera will automatically play your video/voice/song/audio Clip /Voicemail
Please send your photo, date and video/voice/song/audio Clip /Voicemail to: sales[at]persnicketyco.co.uk
The wooden keyrings are 5cm square and come presented in a little organza bag
One side is personalised with your photograph and the other side features a QR code which when you scan with your camera will automatically play your video/voice/song/audio Clip /Voicemail
Please send your photo, date and video/voice/song/audio Clip /Voicemail to: sales[at]persnicketyco.co.uk
The wooden keyrings are 5cm square and come presented in a little organza bag